Library Rules & Regulation |
- Every student must possess Identity Card issued by the Campus Authority.
- Student visiting the library is required to record his/her in/out movement in the register available in the library.
- Students must deposit their belongings at the property counter before entering the library. One note book & a small purse will be allowed inside the library.
- Students visiting library are required to maintain discipline and are expected to observe perfect silence in the reading room and not to disturb others in any way.
- Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited.
- Students may be checked by the library staff/gatekeeper while leaving the library.
- Personal visit of concerned student is compulsory for getting the books issued.
- Library books are not transferable.
- Each borrower must report about missing or mutilated pages in the books before they are issued otherwise he/she will be held responsible for any mutilation discovered later.
- All books belonging to the library and in possession of borrower must be returned to the library before the commencement of university final examination.
- Overdue charges @ Rs. 5/- per day will be levied, if the book is returned after the due date. Rs. 500/- shall be charged as fine if the book is returned after one month of due date of return. The borrower, in case of loss of book, will have to pay the cost double of the price of book as fixed by the librarian.
- Reference books, Reserve books, rare books, periodicals & newspaper shall not be issued. Librarian reserves the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers without assigning any reason.
- Student found stealing, misusing or displacing library books will be liable for fine/penalty and punishment.
- No book can be taken out from the book section and the library without issued.