Baba Farid College of Education Library has 8376 total Books, 4 International Journals, 15 National Journals, 6 Magazines and 11 different Newspapers in Punjabi, Hindi and English languages. The library is automated with integrated library management software e-Granthalaya well stocked and AC. There is an Open Access Catalogue for students and staff. Reading room is well furnished to accommodate students at a time and provides conducive environment for study. Exclusive reference section is available in the library. Visitor's book is also maintained. New arrival Books and Journals are displayed separately on stand and racks. Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility is also available. College Library is using E-Granthalaya software for library operations that is developed by National Informatics Center Govt. of India. Users can search library collection the Title, Author, and domain through web OPAC from anywhere. Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals the library subscribes to INFLIBNET and DELNET Periodicals package. In addition to that, links to scholarly open access journals/database are also available on the library webpage. A well-equipped Digital Library with nodes having Internet connectivity is housed to access E-Resources. As the access facility to e-journals is multi-user and IP address-based, students can access the E-Resources from anywhere in the campus.
